IKARUS anti.virus

IKARUS anti.virus 2.16.25 Crack With Serial Key 2024

IKARUS anti.virus is an efficient and user-friendly protection utility whose main purpose is to help you keep our system at bay from a wide range of infections and malware, in the attempt to secure your personal data from outside attacks.

IKARUS anti.virus Activator Full Version

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Following an installation process of a relatively moderate length, the program will prompt you to configure the monitoring settings, choosing what data transfers to be watched as well as deciding on the automatic scan interval.

Afterward, you will need to add your product license key to access IKARUS anti.virus and start protecting your computer.

The main window of the application lets you run an analysis, allowing you to choose between several ‘Scanprofiles’, namely ‘Fast System Scan’, ‘System Partition’, ‘Entire Computer’ or ‘Removable Media’, displaying the estimated duration for each one. Their attributes can be editing to suit your needs, so you can set any of them to run on a recurring pattern, on a daily, weekly or monthly interval, at specific hours, on certain days or dates, respectively.

The ‘Quarantine’ section of IKARUS anti.virus lists the detected infections, including their discovery date, file name, root directory, description and handling suggestions, enabling you to ‘Purge System’, ‘Restore’, ‘Delete’ or ‘Remove Virus’.

The ‘Guard’ tab allows you to adjust your ‘Virus and Spam Protection’ preferences, whether to enable system and email protection. From the tool’s ‘Settings’, you can exclude certain items from the regular scans.

To sum it up, IKARUS anti.virus is a handy and efficient software solution which aims to assist you in protecting your PC from the various dangers that it might be subjected to, including viruses, trojans, malware and others.

IKARUS anti.virus Review

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hello everybody how are you doing this is Mary doctor hear of another review today I'm going taking a look at my crush antivirus the exact product version is to point to point 29 just looking at the user interface it's becomes very clear that they have not updated this in a while it looks very outdated even though the user interface is in the most important part of an antivirus still pretty important and this does not appear to be the best user interface in my opinion but it appears that everything is here that should be here you have four main tabs up here the skin tab the quarantine updating guards let your start with scans we could run for different scans a fast system scan a system partition in car computer scan and removal media scan they even give you an estimated time for how long each game would take I don't really know how they would predict how long it would take depending upon your system specs but somehow they managed to give you an estimate of how long it would take you also add your custom scan profile to the necks of you chose to I'm under quarantine we see there are 0 files in quarantine we're updated 5 minutes ago if we check on guard we see virus and spam protection is enabled internet down protection spire protection is enabled and dialer protection that's a pretty old term I haven't heard that one in a while so they're definitely using some older terminology with their components email protection is also enabled anti-spam is enabled and automatic updates are set to be received and we receive this check mark down here saying your system is safely configured go under file all the options give us is to exit the antivirus under tools we give you like for our fast system scan which I will show you the log for all of your different scans and updates under settings email protection enabled so I'll product update automatically dial up connection if you still had dial-up you could figure from here exclusions blogs like we were just looking at extras so it automatically activates some protection during system startup and anti-spam is enabled apparently it break a rank spam on a scale from one to ten honestly I think spam spam I really don't understand why they would color code it but it is what it is I you can change what the settings are for that but we are not too concerned about that again like I said before I think this user interface is one of the most outdated that I've ever seen let's just hope that they perform better than how they look if we look at memory usage they are taking up a tremendous amount of memory right now on idle just in this one process alone we are about 235 megabytes that is a tremendous amount of memory that they are consuming I believe they require a gigabyte of RAM minimum on a computer in order to run I kurus and you can clearly see why I would be skeptical to run I crous on a computer that only had one gigabyte of RAM i think that computer would have trouble working right because i can already feel a significant system slow down after installing I Chris and there's not really anything else installed in this computer either so kind of puts things into perspective it appears to be about 250 megs they're definitely not light I think that is the highest memory consumption that I've ever seen from an antivirus on Idol so that is definitely not good if we look on ikura support page like we said one gigabyte of RAM minimum but you can see that they also support Windows 8 and 8.1 so obviously they are continuing to update their program for the latest versions of windows so that is good if we check in the tray here we can view our sister protection we can update the antivirus and we can also open I Chris antivirus and I'm a little bit surprised by this but we can run a context menu skin with likers I was a little bit curious right when I insulted if I be able to and which I can so I was a little bit surprised by that by just taking a look at I kurz I wasn't sure if it would be able to run a scan on a folder on the desktop but fortunately can so anyway I'm going to do one more update before I begin my main portion of the test and I will be our back all right everybody I'm back the antivirus finished updating all right let's run some our links today I have 14 malicious urls and be putting up against I kurz today all right let's begin all right let's run this one on the next link here I'll show you that one more time and I do not think that link is functioning anymore so let's go on to the next link here all right I Chris antivirus caught that one a virus was found earn our computer and didn't give me any to remove it just says that virus was found scissor 0 files infected in 0 viruses and quarantine however it suggests that we delete this item because this is under suggestion deleting as in past tense so I'm not sure if it already took it upon itself to delete that thread we will clear this list after we are done running all these links before we run the scans of hitman pro and Mara bites our I kurz antivirus quad I think one of those previous threats as of wires let's see what it listed as let's see if it is in quarantine or if I Chris handled it the same way as the previous thread again it's a zero viruses are in quarantine again we will clear this list once we are done running these links all right I Chris picked up on that thread alright I Chris picked up on that threat as well re i curse found that thread I one more link here alright and I Chris picked up on the last threat so what I am going alright peers windows firewall is also has blocked this program down here from accessing the network so it appears it slip past I kurz again i'm not sure if i had to emphasize this but this is not a firewall included program this is an anti-virus it's not a full internet security suite so what I'm going to do is I'm going to end the other quarantine let's select all these files that say they were deleted since I have no other options here oh I'm going to do is I'm going to clear the list there's all all edited list items and their bankruptcy will be deleted do you want to continue I will select yes so if what i am reading here is correct all the items of quarantine should have already been deleted and if they warned i just deleted them so at this point I'm going to let's run that one I not see that executable my rather than week through this unless I see any pop-ups from my Chris I will fast forward into when my skin to admire bites and hitman pro and I kurz are done and then I will be right back everybody I'm back I Chris definitely took a decent man time skin took about a half hour even though originally said that the fast scan would only take about 15 minutes so definitely took a little bit longer also there's not that many file should be skiing on the system so that's a little bit disappointing mara bites and him and prone neither one of those found any threats now I believe there are quite a few potential winner programs on this computer I do not believe this is an accurate representation for what is currently on the system I would go in virustotal and personally scan these programs I'm sure that there would be a few anti viruses that would pick up on them however even if the majority of them do not pick up on it it's still disappointing how potential winner programs and applications get put aside by anti viruses even though as you can see even though you can see they're all over the system and they're going to deliver alerts that are probably not preferred it's a shame that they are allowed to get onto the system the first place and also considering how Windows Firewall was giving me alerts that programs are trying to access the network that should really not be allowed so a little bit disappointed about that but anyway I have a pack of malware on the desktop containing exactly 143 malicious files I'm going to ski in the use of I curse and I will be right back alright that scan finished in winter 29 seconds so that was a decent CN time now let's go to next it says 108 files are infected it have been quarantined we will select all files you will delete them all right all the followers have been removed from quarantine see how many files are left over we see that there are 35 so if we do the math here we start with 143 there's 35 / 143 test straight about 75% that's pretty good these samples are fairly new so that is a decent detection rate even though i would expect a little bit better than that but all things considering i think that's an okay detection rate all right let's run a few of these let me open up Killswitch here see how it handles sees your day malware samples let's make sure everything is being able with I Kurus alright your system is safely configured everything is enabled and let's run these samples alright I gross antivirus caught a virus not sure if it is found this command prompt another service has been added by moto kill switch as you can see we have several new processes in memory another virus is found I didn't get a chance to read wood was in that command prompt let's open up a few more of these all right another virus is found we want the add the quarantine before you run any of the scans all right windows firewall has blocked another process task coast so something appears to infected system32 definitely not good i'm just going to block that so i don't want anything getting over the network alright other virus is found on it appears as though we have unleashed ransomware onto this computer I'm going to definitely have to censor out when I'm seeing right here we're going to block that out but regardless of that fact I think this will conclude this review I think I Chris some what we just saw does not exhibit really any zero-day protection if they do not have a signature for thread it won't get blind as you can see the system has been blocked up I'm not even going to bother trying to get into safe mode to try and clean this infection because basically what i was saying when i was running zero-day samples is that it was basically letting almost everything through it did catch a couple items but overall I think it is a fail zero-day portion of this test as in the user interface needs a serious overhaul I think there's scan times definitely to need to improve their memory usage needs to improve it a decent on the mount on the link portion of the test and it appears that I kurz just delivered a pop-up saying a block something but unfortunately as you can tell it's kind of too late like I was saying I think it did all right on the you link portion and test but then again I think they were potentially when her programs not a tremendous threat to the system so so personally I wouldn't stay away from my Chris they've been around for a very long time they used to be incorporated into him and prose scanner until it was removed even though I do not believe this is official news but i believe it was removed because of my carissa's high false-positive detection rate so it detects a lot of legitimate files and I do not believe they've been keeping up at the time so I think that'll be about it with this review take from as you wish and I will talk to you later fine


File Size: 70.3 MB Downloads: 26797
Added: Apr 25th 2018 User rating: 3.6
Supported Operating System: Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2003, Win 2008, Win 2008 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

User reviews

December 08, 2018, Rodrigo think:

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May 22, 2018, Alice think:

awesome! love it

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