
ImageJ 1.53d Crack With Activation Code Latest

ImageJ is a Java-based program that allows you to edit image files. It supports several formats, including JPEG, BMP, GIF and TIFF.

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The interface of the tool is standard. You can import images by using the file browser or the "drag and drop" method.

So, you can open samples and import image sequences, animated GIFs and others.

Plus, you can fill or draw within a selection, create a mask, as well as rotate or enlarge the image.

Furthermore, you can configure options when it comes to the line width, fonts, arrow, hand or point tool, colors, appearance, and others.

Additionally, you can adjust the brightness, contrast and color balance, merge or split channels, add a slice, create a new hyperstack, zoom in and out, as well as crop, duplicate, rename or scale the image.

Plus, you can apply various filters like Gaussian blur, unsharp mask and variance, use batch tools for measurements, conversion, macro or virtual stack, subtract the background, analyze particles, view a histogram, capture the screen, and many others.

The image editor uses a very high amount of system resources and didn't freeze or crash during our tests. On the other hand, it popped up an error every time we exited the program because it couldn't save our preferences. Also, there is no help file available and the interface could had been better organized in order to navigate easily.

All in all, ImageJ has some interesting features for a graphic editing tool but some of them require some experience in the domain. That's why we mainly recommend the program to advanced users.

File Size: 77.3 MB Downloads: 42411
Added: July 1 2022 User rating: 4.0
Supported Operating System: Win All

User reviews

March 14, 2018, Daniel think:

спасибо за патч дляImageJ

January 18, 2018, Emanuele think:

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December 20, 2017, breno think:

grazie mille per il crack

Review for ImageJ crack

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