MIDI Transform

MIDI Transform 1.19 Crack + Serial Number Updated

If you have an interest in music, you are probably familiar with the concept of MIDI and how it can help musicians expand their skills.

MIDI Transform Crack + License Key Updated

Download MIDI Transform Crack + Serial

MIDI files retain a part of their parameters (such as notes, tempo and volume) so you can freely modify them afterwards, without losing the essential. For instance, it is possible to transpose a song to a different key by relying on specialized software, such as MIDI Transform.

This application comes with a simple, unsophisticated layout that encompasses various useful functions. Thanks to its simplicity, you do not have to waste time searching for hidden features, menus or buttons as everything you might need is displayed in the main window.

Unfortunately, it does not come with an integrated help manual, therefore unless you have certain knowledge about music theory or an Internet connection, you might not be able to understand some of its functions.

You can import any MIDI file to the application and modify various parameters, including volume, pitch, tempo and key. The main window comes with four slider bars that you can drag in order to adjust some of the attributes mentioned above.

Additionally, it is possible to change instruments by defining both the original and the one you want to replace it with. Unfortunately, there are only three instrument tracks available that do not change once you load a MIDI file. Instead, you need to search for the desired information in the bottom-right section.

Furthermore, it is possible to change the key of your song by accessing the dedicated combo menu and selecting an item, according to your needs. The root of any key can be easily changed in the same manner.

In conclusion, MIDI Transform allows you to modify your MIDI content with ease, by providing you with multiple customization features.

File Size: 373 KB Downloads: 6514
Added: October 18 2021 User rating: 4.0
Supported Operating System: Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

User reviews

August 30, 2018, Mauro think:

спасибо за кейген, запустилось

January 11, 2018, Joao Pedro think:

thanks for working MIDI Transform serial

Review for MIDI Transform crack

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