Quantrix Modeler

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Spreadsheets can contain different types of data, and even automatically trigger different actions based on input. However, a complex spreadsheet is prone to errors and is difficult to track because of the variety of operators and formulae you might need to work with. In this regard, Quantrix Modeler comes with the means to minimize the risk of errors and provide powerful financial modeling capabilities.

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With the application installed and running, you can start from scratch, or even load a sample database to help you get accustomed to the set of features. A new project can mean model from a template, balance sheet, budget, business planning, canvas entry, financial ratio analysis, financial statements, recursion examples, selling price analysis, or timeline.

As far as the interface is concerned, the application sports a complex layout while still managing to feel intuitive overall. Most of the space is where you view and handle data, with additional panels like model browser or format toolbox you can adjust or even leave floating.

Data is comfortably displayed in a table configuration. Management options are similar to those of regular spreadsheet applications just so you don’t get confused. On the other hand, a lot less formulae management and tracking is required here, because the application is specialized in data management, analysis, and working with numbers.

A whole variety of items can be inserted, such as folders, a matrix, table view, presentation canvas, chart view, category, timeline, formula, item, and several more. Items can be grouped together for easier management and ungrouped when necessary.

Complex formulae combinations help you manage your data the way you see fit. Detailed descriptions are provided for formulae. Setup requires little accommodation since it’s done in the regular method.

More than this, you can extend the functionality of your project through scripts in case formulae don’t manage to meet your demands. An entire library can be added, individual actions, functions, or handle the scripts in the dedicated manager.

To sum it up, Quantrix Modeler comes as an advanced spreadsheet editor, specialized in finance management. Formulae specialization minimizes the risk of errors and need for tracking, making it just right to analyze your business plan and manage financial models.

File Size: 171 MB Downloads: 6597
Added: August 10 2023 User rating: 2.5
Supported Operating System: Win XP, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

User reviews

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