CINEMA 4D provides you with a professional environment for bringing a vast array of animations to life ranging from short movies to complex architectural and scientific simulations.

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Graphic designers can consider this particular piece of software to be a great starting point into the world of 3D graphics manipulation.
The setup process can take quite a while, starting from the download and up to the actual installation process, yet this is to be expected when considering the size of the program.
The interface you come by encloses a professional look and feel, and comprises quite a well-organized layout. To be more accurate, it consists of a menu bar, several buttons and multiple panes to display various information and the object you are currently working on. As a result, handling it requires some knowledge of 3D rendering, yet it comes bundled with some impressive Help documentation which might come in handy to novices.
This utility comes bundled with a pretty long list of object you can use in your projects, as well as splines, generators, deformers, cameras, environment items and materials. These can be scaled, moved or adjusted in order to match your preferences.
In addition to that, you can create characters, add constraints, joints and skin, use brushes and masks, simulate cloth, particles and different hair tools, and scale, rotate and move objects.
Automatic, 2D and 3D snapping is available, as well as creating animations. It is possible to add frames, and motion clips, pivot an object, and play, pause or stop the movie. You can also go the next or previous frame, enable an automatic keying process, and start recording activer objects.
Bookmarks and tags can be added and manged, objects can be saved to the hard drive using a BMP, IFF, JPG, PICT, PNG, RLA or TIFF format, while entire projects can be exported to a custom location using a 3DS, XML, ABC, DAE, DXF, AI, OBJ or STL file extension.
CPU and memory usage is moderate to high, depending on the actions you are performing and therefore, the computer’s performance is going to be affected from time to time. Nonetheless, the response time is good, the GUI is professional and with a bit of time and commitment even beginners can learn how to handle it with ease.
Taking all of this into consideration, CINEMA 4D is an efficient 3D modelling software which can lead to great projects, ensuring a steady, natural workflow.
CINEMA 4D Review
Read morehey everybody its EJ from Aya's I'm calm and in today's tutorial we're gonna be making little bubbles using soft body dynamics inside of CINEMA 4D so we're gonna be covering a lot of the basic soft body dynamic options and how to tweak those options to create realistic bubbly like movements again all inside of CINEMA 4D at the end of the tutorial I am going to be showing you how to texture that bubble like the final rendered image that I'll show shortly as well as how to create a nice shiny gold material all that and so much more let's check it out alright so here is our little animation or bubble animation that we'll be making today and manipulating some of the soft body dynamics to create bubble like blowing up through a tube and kind of bouncing around through all these rings and stuff like that so let's go ahead and create like a really rudiment rudimentary version of this and there's a little hole that our bubbles will blow through and make this little inner part a little bit skinnier and for us to be able to see this get our Superman x-ray vision we're gonna go to the basic tab turn on x-ray and now we can actually see inside let's go ahead and grab a sphere and make this small enough to fit right inside of our tube all right and actually let's just make this even skinnier because I don't it that thick just kind of it's confusing so let's just scale this down a little bit so we got our sphere inside of our tube and we're looking good alright now we can start applying some dynamics to this and seeing what we can do to make this look nice and like a bubbles getting inflated and shooting out the top of our tube so to have dynamics and in real-world physics applied to our objects we're just going to go and apply some dynamics tags under the simulation tags to our objects and for our two we just wanted to be clouded in two so we'll get a Collider body and for the sphere we want to have soft body dynamics so it's the squishy the squishy kind of dynamics so it's pliable and apply it to our sphere now you're gonna hit play and you're gonna see some crazy stuff happening and you're gonna say alright we this is good this is great let's render this give it to the client BAM make some money know what you actually need to do first is what happens with the default values on the dynamics tag is the shape is the type of shape that the simulations using and it's set to automatic by default what automatic is is the most simplest most calculation light version of dynamics basically so it's the fastest and it's the most inaccurate because it's so fast so what the automatic does is basically like shrink wraps your object and does not take into account hollow bits of your object so it's not taken to account the hollow hole inside of our tube so to be able to take into account the hollowness of our object we just need to change it to a more accurate simulation which is our static mesh because it's not moving we're gonna use static mesh all right so now when we hit play everything's kind of looking good and our sphere just kind of drops one thing we want to do with the gravity in our scene is we don't want the bubble to just fall we actually wanted to kind of go upwards like you're blowing a bubble up and outwards so what we can do is go into our dynamic project settings by hitting hitting command D and going to the general tab and here's our global project gravity settings for our dynamics if we just place a negative we're actually gonna reverse the gravity so now our spheres going up up up up and looking good now what we can do is start messing around with the inflation of our object to make this look more like a bubble one thing you're gonna notice is that our sphere is doing something pretty weird and this is due to the fact that we have a default sphere if I go ahead to go to my garage hitting lines you can see that of our default sphere there's a heavy concentration of density of polygons at the top and the bottom of our object now what happens when soft body dynamics is applied to a sphere is it applies Springs to each of its polygons and the edges and the points so what we actually want to do is make sure we choose a type of sphere that more evenly spaces out its polygons and one that I found that works the best is the hexahedron you can see that now we have polygons space a little bit more evenly across our sphere here all right so now what we can do is you can see we're not getting that bunching anymore at the top and bottom of our sphere and that's good now what we need to do is apply some inflation so in the soft body dynamics tab we have pressure let's just give this a value of like 65 and see what happens now hit play and you see that we inflated and it shoots up and you can see that it's actually not inflated high enough to be able to get squeezed in there so let me just scale down my tube a little bit more now let's see what happens now you can see if I go back to my garage shading that the sphere inflates and kind of squeezes up the tube now one thing we can do is on both of our objects our tags here are dynamic tags we can go into the collision and maybe bring down the friction a little bit so it slides a little bit faster alright so we did that and it's sliding a little bit faster and we can also up the the pressure strength as well so now we get a little bit thicker but you can see that with all these default settings and just adding pressure it's really not inflating all that much it doesn't look much like a balloon it kind of just looks like like a dodge ball is trying to get squeezed through a tube or something like that it doesn't look as pliable as a very light and squishy blue bubble right so what's controlling all that are the springs the dynamic Springs and then what the springs do is define the structure between all of our lines edges and points and the more Springs the more structure there is and a little bit tighter and less pliable the object is so what we can do is start removing the number of Springs and the structural shear and flexing on now I cover these three types of Springs in previous soft body dynamics tutorials and I'll link to them here but basically the thing you want to know is structural basically maintains the hollow shell or the original shape shell of the object the volume of the object the shear is one that's very important for our bubble here is the shear prevents it from folding on to itself the polygons from folding on to itself so this one we're gonna keep fairly high because a bubble doesn't fold on to itself right so we need to keep this fairly high and the Flexi on maintains the spacing between each kind of point on each of these polygons so for flexing on and structural those basically maintain like the actual form and we're gonna remove a whole bunch of springs from these two types of objects or two types of springs the shear again we want to relative to the structural and Afric flexing on stave very fairly high now let's see what happens when we hit play you're gonna see that our object stretches out a little bit law further because of the fact that there's less of those Springs those structural Springs to keep it nice and tight in together so we're introducing a little bit more pliability to or sphere here which is really really good and you can see that we're getting pretty close it looks kind of like a bubble a little bit but just like when you blow through like a bubble wand sometimes you have those really long balloons right or bubbles right so the one thing we can do to really extend this bubble is to just extend the size of our sphere in the Y so give it a value of like six let's just increase the size or the the the length or the height of our tube and we'll hit play and you can see that things are kind of going a little bit nutty we just need to reposition the sphere a little bit further to the bottom here hopefully it doesn't fall at the bottom but you can see what's happening once it goes to the top things start to get a little bit nutty and we get this really spiky thing happening and one thing I found that fixes this if I go to my garage shading lines you can see that we have a dense point at the very top of our sphere here if I change the segments of my sphere and maybe bring this down to say 17 especially a subdivision that has a flat polygon on the top versus a point like that let's see if that actually helps this now we're decreasing the polygon count of course so we're getting a little bit more of a chunky sphere here but one thing we can do is we got rid of that pointy bit but the one thing we do to smooth things out is just placing the sphere under our subdivision surface so let's rename this bubble and we'll name this bubble subdivision surface and now you can see that we're kind of looking like we're kind of inflating a nice balloon here or a bubble I'm gonna keep saying balloon but it's a bubble sorry alright so what one thing we can do is stretch it out even more and see what happens here so now we're we're making this inflation a little bit longer so there's more of that kind of development of that little bubble happening here which is looking really nice the one thing that you can kind of see right off the top actually it's looking good now you want to make sure that you're not having any collision or intersection between the polygons here I thought I saw some but I guess there isn't any so far which is good so we have this the one thing we can do is then start messing around with some of these other settings here so the one that I liked up is this elastic limit and basically what this means is the limit of how far these structural Springs can kind of stretch and for a bubble see I'm trying doing again I want it to stretch a little bit further than it typically would okay so that kind of helps it a little bit the one other thing that I want to try to limit is you can see right here these little stretch things which for a balloon and I meant to say balloon this time that's actually good but for a bubble you really don't want that too much so one thing I like to change is the damping and the damping is pretty important with the springs so you have the springs in the most amount of spring and the more Springs you have the more structure and the more definition on your soft body dynamics and the damping actually controls how fast the oscillations of those spring is springing around dissipate and lose strength so one thing we can do is maybe up the damping on our shear so that once it flies out and especially with the pressure damping once it explodes out with the pressure that introduces some springiness to the object so sometimes upping the damping on the actual pressure helps a little bit there let's see what happens if we just lower the pressure and that actually doesn't help that much let's actually raise the pressure and see if that helps a little bit too so you can see that this is looking pretty good let's see if we can get away with taking away even more Springs so maybe a 3 a 10 and a 3 and seeing what that looks like and you can see that now it's a little bit more pliable oh right there it kind of pops out right and this looks a lot more like a bubble now watch once it goes up it kind of has the I'm adding the sound effects but it kind of has that nice undulation that you expect from when you blow up a bubble a kind of the the surrounding bits kind of undulate a little bit like there's a little bit of turbulence happening there which is kind of what we want there so maybe for the sheer we bring that up and let's just see if we can get away with bringing down the Flexi on and the structural and seeing what happens there you can see that we're getting a lot of these folds here so actually maybe we need to not go down that far but maybe what we can do is up the damping of those Springs and see if that helps smooth things out and makes it a little bit more like a bubble which is kind of helped in there so now what we can do I think that's looking pretty good one thing we can do is again I'm going to my project settings command D going to my expert settings and just kind of upping up the steps for frames and maximum solver iterations for step to 10 and 20 and basically these are just the calculations the dynamic calculations per frame and upping these values slows down the calculation but makes it a little bit more accurate so we can see if that helps from those little overlaps you can see it goes a little bit slower but you can see less of those little tweaks and stuff that's happening there and this is looking a little bit more like a bubble so now what we can do is introduce some more objects for it to kind of clot into let's get some Tauruses or torii I'm not sure what the plural how you say the plural and we'll just like rotate these around so again rebuilding a very crude version of that original scene that I had there and to have these be collided into I'll just take that Collider tag from our tube hold command shift and drag and just copy that - or torii Tauruses and see what happens here so we have this let's actually scale these down so they're a little bit too small you can see this kind of goes through and kind of claw kind of gets caught by that second one which is kind of cool so we have this going through let's actually make this one smaller so you want this small enough and actually made this maybe too small we want this to go through yeah I made that too small but you can see that it's acting a lot like a balloon or a bubble where we're going through these little tubes here and that's looking pretty good oh cool so again you can play around with how much pressure you have one thing I like to do is with pressure there is this rest length and when your object gets inflated it wants to maintain the original volume but if you adjust this Reks length and up it to say 120 percent it's actually rest size scale is gonna be a hundred and twenty percent more or twenty percent more or bigger than it was when it was first created so the size the surface area is gonna be a little bit bigger so let's see if upping that it kind of works so you can see how it got a little bit bigger once it inflated it kept it maintained sighs that was 20 percent bigger than its original size there so you can play around with that again maybe let's see what happens when we lower the dampening so you can see way more undulation you can see that it was trying to stick a little bit more so sometimes it's a little bit too there's too much undulation happening so you gotta always be careful with that and again adjusting the damping it's looking pretty good that's looking nice so a nice little bubble again we can play around with our other dampening Springs the structure see how far how low you can get with these values you see that's a little that's too much there's just there's too much stuff going on so let's increase the springs here give it more structure needs more structure in its life you can see that there's a very there's a very thin line you you walk with some of these settings cuz you change one and all of a sudden things kind of go fubar and you just don't know why but manipulating and understanding what all of these settings are goes a long way to getting your nice little bubble so let's just really quickly just create a nice bubble texture well one that was in my original image here if you can see right here I'll just show you how I created this bit here and maybe let's cover the gold as well so let's go and we're just gonna go to transparency here and we're gonna just just the refraction here a little bit you can see that I want to get these really nice distortions happening so I kind of play around with a lower value like this and for the absorption distance this is basically how much light can get through it or absorbs through it this object or the thickness so I'm gonna leave this pretty low so I can get more of that color happening and you can't really see if I bring this down what's happening here you really can't tell they're you know a little viewer there but one thing I want to do is give a little blurriness here so it looks a little bit more frosty as it was in this little image here it's looking good and let's just see what this looks like here maybe give it a little bit lesser brightness so you can see through it a little bit less and maybe add some additive there or something like that and let's see what that looks like let's give it let's get some some other objects in here let's just create or HDR Studio rig and let's just grab an HD I and just move this down so we actually we just have an environment to reflect and that's looking pretty good so now we can see a little bit more of what's happening here let's apply some gold to our little Tori Tori sees here so double click on the material manager go to turn off color I just want to work in the reflectance and luckily there is if I just delete this specular I'm gonna add a Beckman reflection luckily there's all these nice little default Fornell conductor materials and if you just go to conductor and go to preset we have all these different types of metals so conductor for now is really good for metal that's something that's very very shiny and reflective so you can see that all of these presets are metal big surprise so we can go and just choose gold and save that's you know a little bit too light for our tastes we can actually go and just introduced a like a more oranges color and you can see that really made that a little bit more orange and we can also even pump up the brightness to make this very obnoxious looking kind of of a gold and you can see that that's basically what I did in my original image here and there you go there's a bubble blown through our object and one thing we can do I'm just gonna go and turn off the floor in the background here on our HR studio rig and this is gonna inflate and the one thing I did to have more bubbles going through this is to just duplicate this whole setup and just keyframing when dynamics was enabled on my second bubble here so if I go and let me just maybe decrease this size here and let's go to our garage shading so we can see what's going on here so there's our second sphere down here and what we want to do is turn this off turn off dynamics disable it and then once let's just play through here and so we got the one coming through and once this kind of clears you can see here's my one sphere here's the second one once this clears and doesn't intersect anymore we can then keyframe this second sphere and turn on the the dynamics and that's going to turn on the pressure inflate and then this should pop up after the other bubble so now you can get a couple bubbles kind of interacting here and going through so that's basically how I created my original bubbly composition here right here so a couple of them actually three of them and those were just keyframing the dynamics so hopefully this gave you enough ammunition to go out there make some bubbly nice fun mograph stuff in your own projects alright so that's how you can use soft body dynamics to create but Lee like bubbly things inside of CINEMA 4D so we covered a little bit of the soft bodies in a big settings and how to texture some stuff at the very end if you have any questions on anything I covered please leave them in the comment section below and I'll get to them as soon as I can if you make any bubbly looking stuff inside of CINEMA 4D please share them with me I'd love to see what you guys are working on share it with me on Twitter Facebook in the comments all over the interwebs love to check them out and as always thank you guys so much for watching these tutorials if you like this one please hit the like button if you like what I'm doing please subscribe always appreciate your support I'll see you guys in the next tutorial bye buddy
File Size: 1.1 GB | Downloads: 105949 |
Added: October 12 2023 |
User rating: 3.9
Company: MAXON Computer Inc
Supported Operating System: Win 7 64 bit, Win 8 64 bit, Win Server 2012, Win 10 64 bit |
User reviews
October 06, 2018, Jefferson think:спасибо за кейген, запустилось
August 11, 2018, Thomas think:Tack för CINEMA 4D aktivatorn
April 21, 2018, Aelington think:Working... Great... Thanks for the CINEMA 4D crack