Color blind test is a tiny widget that you can use to verify if you are color blind. It can be seamlessly installed and set up on the desktop.
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The interface of the app is represented by a very small frame that you can move to any position on the screen, with the help of the mouse cursor. However, Color blind test has not been created while keeping the design aspect in mind.
Basically, the frame contains a string text that directs you to an online website when you click it. In the respective web page you can complete 32 simple color blind tests, by ticking the correct answer.
Once all tests are done, the results display the estimate of color vision deficiency's probability, green, red and blue color deficiency (tritanopia and tianomaly), among with other useful information.
Thanks to the default options provided by the operating system, you can adjust the opacity level of the frame between 20% and 100%, as well as make it stay on top of other windows.
We have not come across any difficulties throughout our testing; Color blind test did not hang, crash or display error notifications. It has a good response time and uses a very low amount of CPU and system memory, so it does not affect the computer's overall performance. Due to its overall simplicity, users with no experience in software applications can easily work with Color blind test.
File Size: 10 KB | Downloads: 16740 |
Added: Apr 4th 2013 |
User rating: 2.6
Company: Jjean
Supported Operating System: Win Vista |
User reviews
October 14, 2018, Annalisa think:Baie dankie vir die patch
September 03, 2018, Gianluca think:謝謝Color blind test破解
July 05, 2018, Roberto think:terima kasih untuk keygen untuk Color blind test
December 20, 2017, raffaele think:Baie dankie vir die serial