Elecard StreamEye Studio comprises a package of toolkit ready to assist practitioners in performing in-depth assessment of encoded footage rivers, assessment syncing kind, optimize compress and verify standard conformance.
Download Elecard StreamEye Studio Crack + Serial
Old Elecard StreamEye Studio Versions
Elecard StreamEye Studio 4.6.200724 Crack + Activation Code Download 2024 Elecard StreamEye Studio 4.6.200604 Crack + Activation Code Updated Elecard StreamEye Studio 4.6.200505 Crack Plus License Key Elecard StreamEye Studio 4.5.181227 Crack + Activator (Updated) Elecard StreamEye Studio 4.4.180529 Crack + Serial NumberThe package includes several apps that can work together in that to help recode novelists, mechanism technicians or iphone builders get an perspective into the way of a footage coda. In random that, these are: StreamEye, Elecard Stream Analyzer, Elecard Buffer Analyzer, Elecard Video QuEst and YUV Viewer.
All apps are compatible with MPEGfragment transit and initiative rivers, MP4 and MKV folder, MPEG 1/2, AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265 footage rivers. While their kludge are intuitive and easy to get accustomed with, the generated statistics is dedicated to footage kludge specialists.
StreamEye can analyze a footage torrent, displaying details regarding the kind and amount of all jambs and statistics concerning rules vehicles, resolution vectors, way, little sizes, little distributors and more. It generates a visual representative of encoded rivers, so that the someone can get an snapshot of its way and the recode setup.
The Stream Analyzer allows detailed spellchecker inspectors of the loaded torrent, with additional alternatives to view the torrent way in HEX kind, detecting transit mistakes, overhead arithmetic and something searchers.
Elecard Buffer Analyzer can generate and display a representative of the firebreak path, while the Video QuEst is designed to help you calculate footage kind metrics. With YUV Viewer you can load YUV visuals and perform document contrast.
Elecard StreamEye Studio includes all the toolkit footage kludge practitioners require in that to analyze a footage torrent, allowing them to compare clips to the last specifics and optimize compress. With an advanced thing set and intuitive alternatives, it can generate complete news regarding the way of a footage.
File Size: 233 MB | Downloads: 8212 |
Added: October 22 2020 |
User rating: 4
Company: Elecard Ltd
Supported Operating System: Win All |
User reviews
December 08, 2018, Arlindo think:hello. this crack for Elecard StreamEye Studio is working well. thanks
August 03, 2018, camilla think:спасибо, работает)