Feem is a compact undelete app designed specifically for helping you chat with somebody in your local or WiFi infrastructure, and stock folder, be they tunes, clips or documentation.

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The method can be run on pass platforms, such as phones (e.g. iPhone, iphone, iPod, Android, Windows Phone, Nokia Lumia, Samsung Galaxy), pills (e.g. iphone, iphone Mini, Android, Samsung Galaxy Tab), and Pda (e.g. Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OSX).
The initiative can be easily installed on your laptop, and at the way of the way you are faced with a setup wizardry that helps you enter a surname for your level and add a photograph from your laptop (PNG, XPM or JPG document format).
Feem football a user-friendly kludge that is easy to decode even by less experienced consumers. Functionality are neatly organized in the main door and you get quick use to key alternatives, such as others, transactions, itunes, uploaded and setup settings.
Feem gives you the likelihood to transfer pictures, PDFs, pictures and clips, transfer the what of an entire folder, send emails and linkage, as well as automatically resume transactions. The method is able to automatically detect the connected others.
The folder that you want to send to other consumers can be dragged and dropped directly into the primary committee, and you may click all folder, and pause or clear all itunes.
The initiative lets you alter your level surname and photograph, specify the folder where all your downloaded folder are saved, automatically open downloaded folder, enable the automatic click kind, as well as run Feem at Windows venture.
All in all, Feem mixes up an intuitive design and several handy functionality for helping you chat with somebody in your local infrastructure and transfer folder quickly.
Feem Review
Read morehey guys they were taking a look at theme theme allows you to enjoy chat and local file transfer over Wi-Fi no internet no cables it's all wirelessly via your local network here and you can see you get support from many platforms so it's supported for iOS Android Microsoft Windows on the desktop OS 10 on the desktop of Linux and Windows Phone 8 so it supports a ton of different platforms and devices out there and you can see you can transfer between pictures music video files and documents and we're going to go ahead and show you a little bit of showcase on how to do it across multiple platforms starting with that of Windows 2 iOS so let's say you're on a Windows desktop and you want a great easy seamless way to transfer from your Windows desktop to your iPhone here you can see when I minimize this I have them both set up here so right here I have two files right here and you see my iphone is connected your peers will show up if they're connected on the local network here and you can see on my left here the iOS device so very similar interface you have your peers on the first button the second button is the files that you're transferring you can add them manually you can also add folders and or just drag them in so you can see here I dragged a text document and a picture file again it can be a video file and anything you want really as long as this documentation sort of file type to transfer over you have your downloads folder you have your uploads folder and your settings here to adjust your profile same thing on the iOS interface here very very similar on that end and you can see you're like I said I have these files transferred if I want to send these files I can click it to the receiver right here and choose send files and you can see you're on my iOS device automatically will get these files download them and I can give them access to my photos it now gives it's going to you can see there it's now uploaded said things are here and you can see my downloads folder right here I can click on text and I can even preview this now this is just an empty text file I can preview the image right here as well so I can preview this and you can see on my iOS device it's that easy so if I want to send a wallpaper over if I want to send a text document that I need to edit for work whatever maybe maybe it's a PDF but you know any follow on transfer from my desktop it's as easy as that and you can see it automatically open the file right away and now shows up again in my downloads section and I can easily just adjust that as so so it's that simple on the windows 2 iOS side we're not going to move over to how to do it from iOS to Mac OS 10 so we're going to walk you through that process as well all right so here we are on the Mac OS 10 side what we're going to show you is how to install it for the Mac and then from there we're going to show you how to transfer from iOS to Mac and lastly Mac to Windows so you want to head over to try theme calm you're gonna go ahead and download it for Mac OS 10 here you're going to get the dmg file right here so you're going to go ahead and open that and let that install here once that is done it's going to go ahead and open a Finder window for you to install so we're going to go ahead and let that open up let me pull that over here from here you can take this and drag it in to your Applications folder if you have application folder on your dock or wherever that may be so you're going to want to go ahead and do that once that's done here you can go ahead and open the file but now you need to keep something in mind for Mac OS 10 once it installs and you put it in your Applications folder in order to open it so what I'm going to do here is going to open my Applications folder from my dock right here you're going to want to ctrl click it here so I'm going to find it right here here it is theme and what you want to do in order to bypass there there's going to be a Mac gatekeeper warning gatekeeper is a security feature built into is tend to override it you have to control click to open the app here so again you want to bypass out if not what's going to happen here you're just going to get this window that looks something like this right here for gatekeeper and you can just say open otherwise again if you control click to open that again that's just a gatekeeper built-in feature with Mac OS 10 so from here you're going to go ahead and fill out your profile so I'll put in my name right here you can even put in a picture this will be represented for you on the fee met work so when your other devices to you this is exactly what they'll see here now if you want to go with the unlimited downloads and version you can check this out otherwise you can cancel this and you will have over here let me go ahead and minimize chrome real quick you will have theme for Mac now what I'm going to go ahead and do is pull up my iOS device here so you can see what it looks like on the iOS side of things I may go ahead and pull it up here so you can see this here we have it side by side with iOS now you can see my Windows desktop as well as my OSN desktop all of the devices that are my network and if I want to transfer simply from iOS here to the Mac os10 client all I have to do here so let's go ahead and go into my files right here so you can see my files camera roll photo stream all the good stuff I'm going to go ahead and click on camera pictures right here it's going to load all them let's say I want to transfer this picture right here and from there what I can do is I'm going to check that so this one's check now and from there I'll go into you can see my uploads you'll have your uploads right here so I have my picture selected like I said then go back and you can select videos you can select any documents really and once you have them selected anything you want here you click on this little icon right here to send the files and then you choose your receiver in this case my Mac os10 client right there what's going to be done is it's downloaded and then on the Mac side it automatically downloads that picture and brings it up really really instantly here so you can see it brought it up in preview and if I go over here to my downloads you will see the image that JPEG will show up right here and I can open it or open the file and folder very very simply and that's how easy it is in a instant and within the settings it automatically once it's downloaded it automatically opens a file so whether that's a document or a picture a video you can seamlessly send something for your mobile device so you just took a picture and you want to edit it on your Mac go ahead and you can see here you can take it on the iPhone upload it in an automatic way down on your Mac can get editing on your desktop application it's that simple that easy and from here let's go about talking about doing it from Mac to Windows so here we have again we see my Windows PC now I'm Windows PC side by side here this is how easy it is to connect to it I can just click it here I get the profile I can even chat with it via the client here so I can send it a test message and I'll receive that on the windows side now the same thing for the Windows to Mac transfer it's as simple as going here and picking the files that I want to you know distribute so I can add files here I can add folders whatever I want to do so in this case let's say I want to add file so it's going to get pull this up here and let's say I want to send this blank here I can send this blank contract file for example I can also send video files anything here an mp3 for example so let's just click on the files that I want to transfer here so let's say that one and we'll go with that same image I just downloaded from my iPhone so we'll go ahead and transfer that and I'm sorry let me click on that blank contract file again just to show you the PDF you can send that as well so it supports a whole variety of formats again simple as clicking send files tap on my receiver and from there I can send the files and it's that easy on my window side what would be shown is the same thing what we just talked about under the download section it would show all those files as well so you can see those are uploaded and easy is that and that's how easy this transfer you can see right here you can do it to your iOS device or your window is based desktop easily supports Android iOS Mac OS 10 and Windows this is phim you can find out more information at try theme com
File Size: 188 MB | Downloads: 120486 |
Added: December 17 2023 |
User rating: 4.5
Company: FeePerfect
Supported Operating System: Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2003, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit |
User reviews
02 April 2019, luiz henrique think:thanks for working Feem patch
21 March 2018, Giacomo think:спасибі за патч для Feem