Kaspersky Rescue Disk

Kaspersky Rescue Disk (c) (2022.07.17) Crack + Activator Download 2024

Kaspersky Rescue Disk is a virus removal solution for critical situations. It was designed to be used when regular antivirus software fails in detecting and cleaning a system of various infections.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Crack + Serial Number

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If you own Kaspersky Antivirus or Kaspersky Internet Security, the Rescue Disk can be recorded directly via these products. If not, the ISO can be burned on a CD/DVD using your disc burner or choice. It can also be placed on a bootable USB device and launched from there.

Here’s how it works: set your system to boot from the CD / DVD/ USB device, insert the disc or the stick and restart the system. After a quick loading process, you are acquainted with the interface of Kaspersky Rescue Disc.

You simply select the objects Kaspersky should process (disk boot sectors, hidden startup objects, or local hard drives), and hit the scan button. The Rescue Disk then delivers a report of all malicious objects found in your system, such as viruses and Trojans, but also adware and other similar software. Infected files can be quarantined, disinfected, or removed.

The Settings menu allows you to configure the current security level, file types, scan optimization (i.e. skip files scanned longer than a given number of seconds), archive scanning, installation packages, and others.

Updates are done on a regular basis, and notifications can be set for malware detection or modifications, obsolete databases, failed tasks, or others.

In conclusion, Kaspersky Rescue Disk is a great way to remove threats that can’t be cleaned by standard antivirus solution. It requires quite the amount of effort (burning the CD / DVD), but it succeeds where other security solutions fail.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Review

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hey there techies welcome to another video today we're going to be taking a look at Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 now the reason we're taking a look at a rescue disk instead of a regular anti-malware application or like the prevention kind in a sense is because I've been having some issues gaining access to my malware packs from my malware vendor now I've been trying to contact them but they've never been the speediest in the past when this has happened so I've been also looking for a new vendor possibly so I've been sending some emails off and trying to find some new reliable sources for malware packs because I thought to myself you know I could do just the links and the removal test but that really wouldn't give the hard numbers in the actual detection rate of the program itself so I really want to keep it the same way it is right now that's the bottom line with that so with that said we're going to be doing some rescue disks and other removal tools because I have this lovely interface of malware right in front of me and we'll go ahead and put it to use instead of just letting it sit here on the system and age and do nothing so we're going to test some removal tools and rescue disks with it at least until I can get access to some malware packs that are reliable and we can then go ahead and continue the prevention test reviews all right so with that said let's go ahead and start this review and get off to start basically we're going to reset the system now normally you'd want to restart it normally if possible just because if you were to do this and mount the disks there's a possibility that with the intermittent data loss and stuff that parts removal and there's just a whole bunch of different things that can go wrong in a sense you'll lose data with doing it that way but it's just a test here so let's see if I always miss it I always can never get to the boot menu in time I always I don't know I don't know I'm not fast enough I guess let's try this again there we go ok so I've already mounted the ISO file on the system here so we're gonna go ahead and boot from it and as you can see we have a prompter here just going to press a key to enter and then you can select your language here so you got a couple languages to choose from we're going to do English you can go ahead and read through your license report I just did great and then now you have your options so this is kind of like your boot menu here and it's going to go ahead and say you want to do a graphic mode text mode you can get hardware information boot right to the harddrive don't know why you would want to do that or you can reboot in shutdown so in this case we're going to do the graphic mode that's the one I would suggest for most people realistically there's not much in the way anyone's going to need to go in the text mode unless you're going to want to do some advanced system configuration or something like that so we're going to just stay with the graphic mode here keep it easy keep it simple and also keep it easy on the eyes for you guys to seeing this is youtube and people love flashy colors and lights and things like that so it doesn't take too long to boot up here as you can see it is on a hard disk drive not a CD drive you can burn this to or put this on a USB Drive if you would want but you do have to download the little utility from Kaspersky to do that so it's a small of utility small little utility that they've made so that's nice that you can do that now here's the prompt I was talking about here so there's possible corruption that could occur if you were to do it this way like I did where you just kind of hard reset the system and boot into it but it's a virtual machine we're not looking to do anything like that that's there's no data in here I care about is what I'm trying to say so we're gonna go ahead and continue let it mount the disks here and then we'll go ahead and kind of go through some things here so it'll just take a second okay so it looks as it is about the disks yep there they are there's our main C Drive and then our Windows 7 boot files right there okay so as you can see it booted right into the main interface and it looks just like you know you'd expect from kaspersky you know one of their older 2010 style interfaces up top here you have your two tabs your object scans this is where you can select the C Drive boot sectors hidden objects and then also any other partitions that may even be hidden as you can see right here the Windows seven boot files so we'll go ahead and select all those because we're going to scan the whole system here but before you scan make sure that you update the system as you can see here the signatures are from yesterday actually so wow that's pretty amazing they ship this thing with up to date signatures so if we were to start it right now when beating in the world but we all we want to make sure you get the latest signatures so we're going to go ahead and just start an update and do that so well that's doing that let's go through some of the settings here as you can see this is the main configuration interface and you can adjust the SKU levels here to be more aggressive or less aggressive go to settings you can also adjust different security settings in here whether it scans a wheel or OE on well II files are objects that's kind of what Microsoft Office uses in its macros and things like that so if you have a macro virus on your system this will definitely detect it if there's a signature for it and remove it so additional settings here you can adjust the heuristic scan settings so how aggressive will the heuristics be obviously more aggressive is going to get you more detection rate but less aggressive or more - more aggressive well it gets you more detection rate will also get you more false positives there we go I'll get it out eventually so there we go with that let's move on here obviously you have different actions right down here that you can present our Kaspersky can present to you upon a interaction with an infected object update settings there's really nothing you'll need to change in here ever unless you have a specific server you want on the grab the updates from threats right here you can adjust which threats it should find so adware is good autodialers is good multi pact objects that's nice to see so if there's a object system that is going to infect it further kind of with packed objects later on an installation grab from here there they are you know that it'll detect that so that's nice to see okay I guess we're doing that anyways notifications right here as you can see not much in the way settings here don't really need to adjust anything there and then reports and storage yeah it is what it is good don't you just that either so now as you can see should probably mention sis first but this is a Linux based environment that we're in if we go down here we can adjust the screen resolution so we'll adjust it to this just to make it a little bit easier on the eyes there we go that's much nicer right much more area to work now so if you look on the left here we have the main application this is what you use to open this up if you were to close this file manager right here kind of like windows you can just go ahead and go in your C Drive and take a look and see if your documents are still there if there's anything worth saving on your system this is obviously in the case you can't boot it there's a registry editor it comes with two you can open up a web browser that's also right down here network setup so if you have to use this over Wi-Fi I believe it is does have Wi-Fi support however you will have to put your credentials in because it will not know your credentials for your Wi-Fi so my suggestion is do it just over a LAN connection taking you to neck take an Ethernet cable plug it in your router plug the other end into your device and call it good so you can look at about it screenshot so you can show all your friends all the cool mal or you just removed with Kaspersky Rescue Disk right so you can see there you go you got that pretty simple not designed to be a elegant interface in a sense of any and productive happening in here it's strictly designed to be a removal tool so with that said let's use it as is and let's start the scan so alternate I do is check the boxes we're going to check everything scan the whole dang system and then we're now going to click start objects scan now this could take a while guys so you might want to go ahead make some popcorn watch one your favorite TV shows while this is doing this thing and it's obviously all dependent on the speed of your computer and how much mauers on there you can already see it's detected malware so this is already going off great so I'm going to go ahead let this scan when it's done I'll be back we'll take a look at the results might do another scan might do a scan again we'll see I'll think about it we'll see how much it detects and then we'll boot back into Windows and check out how it's working and you know everything functionality is it all back to normal or how close to normal is it back in the way of functionality so seen a bit guys all right techies welcome back so the scan is not quite finished but I'm pretty sure it'll finish after we answer these prompts right here so let's take a look what do we have object doesn't really say what is we're going to go ahead and delete it alright everyone so the scan has completed and it's well a couple days later but nevertheless scan has finished I did take quite a long time especially once it got to 99% I want to warn you guys well it may seem that it's hung up when it gets to what 99% because hard drive activity goes down significantly it is still functioning you just got to be patient and let it finish what it's doing when it is finished you will see it basically go back to this state right here and this will go back to green from red as it was detecting objects earlier so we can go ahead and now exit this if you click quarantine here you can see the quarantine items as they're listed right here you can also see the report so it says it found a total of 1136 malicious objects now that doesn't mean that there's a thousand different pieces of matter on the system it just means that there were over a thousand infected objects on the system so a probably is detecting a lot of the same infections on the system but nevertheless we're going to go ahead and reboot the system so we can go ahead and close this out and I believe you can go down here and you can click on restart it's going to ask you if you really want to restart the system you just click yes and the system should restart normally hey there techies welcome back so we've booted up the system and just scan with hitman Pro now Kaspersky didn't do as well as I'd hoped it would but it has really put a significant dent in this system as you can see there is malware left in the system and well this does seem like a lot of malware in comparison to how this system was before it is definitely definitely a huge improvement in addition to that as you can see this is a lot of the same infection right here that is on the system so it like I said earlier well it did find a thousand objects each one of these is considered an object so well this is all the same infection this is one piece of malware it has infected multiple objects here so as you can see once again the same object why didn't kiss Pro secure move that if it's detected by kaspersky I told it to remove everything anyways I didn't say ignore anything so it should have it should have detected that and removed it considering that it has a signature for it interesting but once again you can see a lot of this is and we've got some trojans down there so not not too bad however there is still a significant chunk of malware left in the system so I can't say that it did as well as I'd hoped it would on this system but for is infected as it was it definitely put a dent in it so I will continue to use this on Arsenal with a bunch of other tools that I have and when it comes to cleaning up systems if we look at what's running in the back or background here the system is relatively clean at least I should have pulled this up earlier for you guys you can see what was running in the background but we can only have one down here that I accidentally launched on the desktop here but for the most part that's just adware and I unfortunately can't click on it to pull up the virus total information on the actual process however we do have what looks to be a little bit malicious object right here so that could be that just does not that's not normal I can guarantee you that's not part of of any Microsoft process so with that said how did Kaspersky Rescue Disk do at cleaning up the system that's they did okay I'm not going to say it did a fantastic job because it didn't really do a fantastic fantastic job but for as infected as the system was it really did put a dent in the system and made it a lot more usable than it was keep in mind it's called a rescue disk for a reason it's designed to get you back into the Windows environment now well we could always get in the Windows environment it did significantly improve the experience within this environment and making it easier for me to now run tools such as hitman pro to clean up the remainder of this malware or at least get to the point where I can recover whatever is left knit on the system which is absolutely nothing everything has basically been encrypted except for this apparently oh never mind just the just the thumbnail is working here I wonder it's not going to work yeah nevermind anyways so yeah bottom line it did an okay job you know and I'm always borderline as a did good but it definitely definitely could use some room for improvement now if I do a second scan who knows it may detect those remainder remainder pieces of malware and go ahead and remove them but I'm not going to go that in-depth I think we got a pretty good result on the preliminary analysis of the system so I'm going to go ahead and the review here I would have to say Kaspersky - did a decent job and I would consider using it and I do use it so despite my previous thoughts on Kaspersky itself but I'm going to put that aside so that's it I'll be doing some more of these rescue disc reviews in the near future so keep it on the channel there will be new videos to come out on certain removal tools singing I'm still working on getting warm hour so see the next video guys


File Size: 631 MB Downloads: 363082
Added: July 17 2022 User rating: 4.0
Supported Operating System: Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2003, Win Server 2012, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

User reviews

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October 17, 2018, Francesco think:

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July 19, 2018, joao vitor think:

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