Norton Ghost

Norton Ghost Crack + Serial Key Download 2024

Norton Ghost is a tool from Symantec which provides one's files and folders with a high level of protection, through advanced back-up and recovery.

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Installation can be done in standard mode (recommended for all users), or custom one (recommended for advanced users).

The full package contains the backup and recovery service, a recovery point browser, the user interface, CD and DVD support, and LiveUpdate. It is advisable to restart the computer as many times as it requires, to ensure proper functioning of the software.

When creating a new backup task, users are required to choose the source and destination locations, assign a name to the backup, and even protect it with a password and encrypt its contents. Additionally, users can choose to schedule the backup task for a later time or on a frequent basis.

The interface is simple and eye-catching. There are several tabs, and each of them displays a different type of information: the existing recovery points, the created backup schedule, the task management section, the additional tools and the backup history.

Norton Ghost emphasizes the need for the users to create a restore point as the initial backup task, and users are advised to go along with the instructions. This way, if anything should go wrong, it is easy to restore the PC to a previous state when it was working correctly. Alternatively, one can copy the recovery point to a DVD or CD, or even explore files located within the backup.

One of the functions provided by Norton Ghost allows users to optimize the hard-disk that is to be used as the destination location, to make sure there is enough space.

To conclude, Norton Ghost is a reliable solution for computer users who spend a great of time working on their computers, and need to constantly back up all their data or only specific file formats (emails, songs, videos or photos).

Norton Ghost Review

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hey guys I want to do a quick overview of the Norton Ghost 15 it's a backup and recovery program you start on the main home tab here tells you your current status at the moment mine Saints at risk so basically just cuz I haven't set a backup point for my D Drive I currently got C D and an e Drive free drives in my computer it's telling me where the bus backup designation is I currently set the backups to stall in one other one of my other hard drives in the computer the e Drive it's recommended that you keep multiple copies of your backups just in case the drive that you store in the backups on goes and when you need those backups then if you drive corrupted then you're not in good shape really Scott current threat con level basically this is a threat con level is set by the Symantec organization based on the level of viral activity they see in the wild so it will it's currently Saints elevated meaning that there's maybe a couple of threats out there at the moment which could potentially mess your computer up so we got some common tasks like run and manage your backups recover my computer and recover my files the next tab over is the state's tab so this basically is the status tells you it gives you a really nice calendar type view of when all your your tasks for each of the drives you can set at different days for different recoveries and different times a day so the state's view is showing as well but when it's performed a backup correctly it's got a little tick by it and so I know that my last backup was febri the third doesn't look like I backed up for a while I'm scheduled for a backup today seven o'clock I can back up now because my last scheduled backup was missed so and click that and back up and you get this back up progress in performance so it will calculate the time remaining to backup it's backing up the entire C Drive so that's my preferred backup at the moment is I'm backing up my entire sort windows boot drive that Justin just in case you know I ever completely screw my boot drive up that I've got a complete image and that means I can put any other the hard drive fails I can put a new hard drive in there and put the Norton Ghost boot up disk in and boot up and then basically point it to the image the drive image that I I get from doing a backup and it should in theory that's one thing I haven't tested at the moment is it bringing back a full full Drive image but I'd hope that's what it would do so still calculating the size of it and normally it takes between five and ten minutes to do my hard drive which is 256 gigabyte solid state drive so it's pretty fast to actually backup and also you can move this slider so it improves response the responsiveness of the computer just in case your computer slowdown during the backup procedure okay so it wasn't quite five or ten minutes to a full backup stop the video then we started it yeah it actually took 19 minutes 43 seconds and that was for 256 gig on a very fast solid-state drive so I can imagine if you've got like a terabyte where mechanical Drive this easily taking well over an hour to hour you know a couple of hours to actually complete a full backup you can create backups of Pacific folders your your My Documents or whatever like that but term my backups just a full C Drive backup so there we have it it we've got a new backup today go so the next pain is the tasks go so the next tab is task tab this is where you really set up all your the backups that you've got to set to run you can run one one time backups or actually go into the recovering of your files so if I quickly show you the how to run or manage your backups real nice interface here you can see you've got define new and then you've got a really nice wizard which you can go and select all the different drives and your computers to let the files and folders which you want to backup it goes through step-by-step exactly how to choose these things very intuitive and quick to setup and then you can see all your backup jobs all stack up in this pane here and then you can even edit them edit settings or particular backups change scheduled backup off-site settings I'm not sure what the off-site is but that might even transfer down a network to another a separate computer so this program as well you notice can be used by network administrator's to backup computers as well but just for a standard consumer use you're backing up your files your folders and your drives so that's a really nice intuitive way to run and manage your backups so if you want to recover your files you can hit recover my files and point it to Pacific recovery points at the moment I can use this recovery point which I just created last so select that and then I can I can search for separate files within that recovery point so let's just say I had a file called the license which I needed to recover I could search for that within the within the what every point and it would go away searching all the different files and let's just say now I had a an Adobe license which I needed to get hold of and recover then I can quickly drill down into to all these different folds and use it it also allows you to actually open a file explorer to show you all the files within your Pacific recovery point and my recovery point has got the whole the C Drive so when I explore the C Drive it actually mounts the recovery data and I can see absolutely all the folders as I would do on my main primary boot drive and I can go in and drill in and copy out any of the items that I need and so that's a reading neat fast way to get out your backups now I think my C Drive it does some hard drive it does some compression data compression on the recovery point images I think I've got about maybe 200 gigs or about 150 gigs in my C Drive and it compresses it down to about 60 or 70 gigs worth of data so I think it's got some quite good compression on the backups but hat I can't really quote too much about that cuz I haven't played around a bit too much within tasks it also has the extra functionality to convert your when you created full backup images to convert them to virtual machine images so all you have to do here is very much the same as defining backups you can define a schedule task to actually create workstation image or VMware server images or whatever type of virtual machine that you that you'd like to try and convert the image to obviously the image may not be compatible with say you might not be able to load convert a an XP image to a VM server type disk but some of the other ones may be applicable so in the tools tab we've got two options to change or manage the destination of your backups so you can set your backups to save to different drives lots of different options here one thing I do like about Norton Ghost is the amount of different options it gives you so it gives you a lot of flexibility and power where you want recovery points to be stored the recovery point browser is just another way of interrogating your recovery points so here I can open the latest recovery point that I created and it will actually show me all the the files and folders which are in that recovery point and I can go in and recover the files out using this recovery point browser so it allows you multiple ways to get in and interrogate these recovery point files whether to completely use a recovery point to completely restore to a drive or mount the recovery point and go in using Windows Explorer to to drag and drop your files out all using the Symantec recovery point browser to go in and check that your the files are ok and to recover the mount you can copy hard drives copy recovery points to different locations or burn them to disk create the custom recovery disk I think this is the curvy disk I should have created it I actually I didn't download this off the web so I've got I assume that the the disk that I use to install the Norton Ghost actually is a recovery disk in itself but you haven't got a recovery disk that say your hard drive explodes and you need to to recover form a system image I'm guessing this that this that you need to to boot from initially to load the image onto the drug than you drive so again this is just showing the level of detail it can go into in the Advanced tab we've got all the different drives so when you attach a different external hard drive it even tries it it looks at least I haven't got any external hard drives hooked up to my computer in the moment when I've had some in the past you know it's it's remembered them and you can assign different jobs for your backup your external drives as well your backup jobs your backup history so it gives you a lot of different options I haven't used the product to completely restore assistant drivers I haven't had any problems with my boot drive at the moment but looking at how the product performs through its user interface I'm fairly confident it would do a decent job if not I've still got all the recovery points that can be saved away it's a seems a very good sound product I seen it crash on a couple occasions it's not it's not a hundred percent stable but you know 95 percent of times I use it does does what I want it to do that's on the whole I recommend Norton Ghost as a product to backup and recovery all files I would hope in the future if they bought a new version like not one go sixteen that it would be backwards compatible with any new recovery points created in Norton goes 15 would be backwards compatible and you'd be able to use the latest and greatest version I haven't used norton go ghost in the past so I'm not sure if that if the if they operate in that way but you'd hope that would be the case so that's a quick quick overview of non-ghosts thanks for watching


File Size: 119 MB Downloads: 1019004
Added: Jul 17th 2014 User rating: 4.1
Supported Operating System: Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit

User reviews

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February 09, 2018, Arlindo think:

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